Invest in yourself and your future with The Positive Method

Essentic’s Positive Method is a powerful experience that combines our strengths-based development tool Point Positive with a journey of transformation that will give you the evidence and confidence to become exceptional.

There are four stages to The Positive Method:

What is Point Positive?

Point Positive will reveal your valued impact strengths, including some you may not even be aware of. Point Positive is exclusively about you — a collection of stories gathered from the people who know you best: colleagues, friends and loved ones. They have witnessed the impact of your strengths over years.

That’s why we put PEOPLE at the heart of Point Positive.

The internet is full of machine-based assessments claiming to identify personal and professional strengths — but automated assessments can’t provide real life insights.

As clever as technology is, it can never replicate what the people closest to you know or feel about you. Point Positive weaves together stories from your past to create an invaluable guide to your future.

Research has shown that Point Positive:

  • activates positive emotions which is energising and improves performance
  • increases innovation, experimentation and creativity
  • activates your seeking system and makes people more powerful and purposeful
  • improves wellbeing and stress resilience
  • helps individuals align personal and professional purpose and fulfilment

Discover your unique competitive advantage in today’s changing workplace

Combined with Point Positive, the journey of transformation empowers you to leverage your impact strengths and put them into practice more often. The experience deepens your understanding of who you are when you’re at your best. Point Positive can give you a unique competitive advantage, helping you to repackage and promote yourself.

Your Point Positive experience includes:

  • The full Point Positive experience conducted through our online platform
  • A guided analysis of your Point Positive report for you to keep
  • A 1-to-1 report debrief session with a certified Essentic coach online
  • Your Impact Strengths Inventory exercise
  • Your Impact Strengths Statement exercise 

All of these benefits are only £200 (including VAT). You can also buy further online sessions with your coach to help you develop and truly own your Impact Strengths Inventory and Statement.

Unlock your potential by filling in the form today. 


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Powerful people delivered